Anti - AdBlock Industry

Anti Adblocking Products

Businesses that would like to make their brand known to more people use advertisements to make this happen. Aside from the traditional methods of advertising, which are via television, radio and print, web advertisements are also very popular nowadays. This is because of the popularity of the Internet all over the world and the continuously increasing number of active users. Website owners on the other hand use this to earn. They place advertisements on their sites and they are paid in return by these advertisers for the visitors that view their site.

However, web users started installing adblockers on their computers and browsers in order to prevent these advertisements from showing. This allows them to view the content without any distractions, but this is affecting the revenue of the website publishers. Without these ads, they will not be able to earn and this may result to their site shutting down.

In order to help website publishers keep earning through their ads, anti ad blockers were developed. They bypass these adblockers so that advertisements would still show up, allowing the site owners to continue earning. There are different companies offering anti ad block products nowadays. It’s best to know more about them in order to determine which the best choice is for you.

Top Anti Ad blockers

PageFair. Founded in Dublin in 2012, this product aims to find a right balance that would benefit both the users and site owners. It analyzes how many visitors are using adblockers so website publishers would know if this is something that affects them or not. The product then allows them to post ads in a non-intrusive way. With this, users would be able to conveniently view the information they need, while still allowing owners to earn through their properly placed ads.


Secret Media. This company only works with trusted and top-notch publishers, so even though the adblockers are completely blocked, users don’t have to worry about putting their privacy at risk. As mentioned, they only offer their product to reliable sites. This is a fantastic choice for website publishers as it’s effective in blocking all types of adblockers. This means that ads on the site will be displayed regardless of what adblocker was used.


Namogoo. What makes this one different is that it does the work on its end. It will monitor the site 24/7 to make sure that no changes are made, unless it’s done by the owner. This ensures that your website will display as designed, including the ads that come with it.


Yavli. Like PageFair, this also lets publishers earn through their non-intrusive advertisements. The strategic placement of the ads plays a huge role on this matter. Users on the other hand would still not feel distracted by the ads, allowing them to browse without a hassle.


Ad Reclaim. This quick solution lets you block adblocks by simply adding a short code on your site. It would bypass all adblockers installed by the users, letting you get your revenue. This is regardless of the type of adblocker used.


Rev Defender. This product works by showing an alternative advertisement, a non-obtrusive one that is, that would be allowed by the adblocker. With this, users will still earn from the alternate ads.


It’s also good to think about the privacy of your users so that they would continue to trust you. This can be done by ensuring that you only work with legit advertisers.

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